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March 2025

1. Best Practices for migrating from LSF to CloudSuite
2. Pay Rate History to Show All Positions
3. How to build a Pre-Prod tenant
4. Compass JDBC Driver
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2025

1. S3-Procurement New Company
3. Browser issue with RQC Shopping
4. Archiving an entire system
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2025

1. PR82 add-in's upload or AGS call upload
2. Canada Tax Calculation (Federal and Provincial) Issue
3. ADFS certificate - new cert
4. Carolina User Group Meeting
5. Worthwhile Reading


December 2024

1. Error: More than one premium record set up for emp
2. ED501 Error: Map 850 not supported
3. Syteline: New Data Maintenance Wizard (Error) Need help
4. Post Tax Benefit Plan Table
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2024

1. Implementing Lawson with Cerner for the OR
2. CA Section 125 401k Plan
3. RQ13 Approval Info
4. Infor OS/CloudSuite SCIM groups
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2024

1. Spreadsheet Designer Error "Unknown state selection"
2. Adding Std Comments to all PO's
3. Missing PO info
4. Updating Pars in IC81.2 - Field Replenish from Location
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2024

1. Managing List Views
2. Dbimport - only importing 1st record of file
3. How does everyone charge an item to same dept?
4. this.bean is null
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2024

1. Benefit change/termination rules
2. WFWORKUNIT table, WF-STATUS field value set
3. Changing the orgs email domain
4. Converting UTC Date to EST Date using Javascript
5. Worthwhile Reading

July 2024

1. Managing List Views
2. Adding lines to IC81
3. PA52 - Reverse an action
4. Compass JDBC Driver
5. Worthwhile Reading

June 2024

1. Using MFA for Lawson S3 Access
2. Executing IPA from PR160
3. Archiving an entire system
4. PO Matched Dollars and Matched Quantity
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2024

1. LPL INSTR Functions
2. Cobol - Extract Current Time
3. Sample XML file create Flow
4. Translating EDI 856 to get the ~ REF^CN^ field
5. Worthwhile Reading

April 2024

1. ION vs IPA
2. Life Age Reduction on benefits plans
3. IPA Executing Job
4. Cobol calling Shell Script
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2024

1. IC12 Preferred Bin
2. Email Address Checking in Cloudsuite
3. Adding GTIN's to vendor items
4. Attaching a pdf file to employee record in GHR
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2024

1. Resource Transaction Node to Delete REQUESTER
2. IPA and MS-Access DB
3. Report Not Bursting
4. How to format a process trigger return message?
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2024

1. Landmark Security
2. COBOL - Debug / Step Through
3. Reset Configuration Passkey and SSOCONFIG passwords
4. MSCM QOO (Quantity-On-Order)
5. Worthwhile Reading


December 2023

1. Division of Responsibilities
2. BN11.1 Postal Code Tables
3. HIBC Fields
4. Spousal Life coverage reduction
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2023

1. Newbie - MSCM Custom Reporting Q's
2. Mingle -> InforOS experience
3. Creating a Distribution Group
4. Pick for PAR
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2023

1. IC182
2. IPA and AP05.3
3. ED40 List Names
4. Lawson 10.1 PO20.1 Comment Upload
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2023

1. ISD queries for fields
2. Pick for PAR
3. Landmark Security After Data Refresh
4. Editing Excel Add-Ins URLs
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2023

1. NACHA Addendum Records for FSR
2. Missing Multi-Stream Upload Option in Excel Add-ins
3. Adding images to Smart Notes
4. IC12 Audit Report
5. Worthwhile Reading

July 2023

1. Lawson PO Numbers
2. Anyone using PR124 for RROP calc?
3. Infor Process Designer (IPD) Installation
4. Automatically stopping benefits
5. Worthwhile Reading

June 2023

1. Service Contract Process
2. Recovering an S3 Job With IPA
3. Best Practices for Storing Customer Account Numbers
4. Font size on reports
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2023

1. How to link REQ # to PO# in Lawson Tables
2. Best way to run reports in Lawson
3. Company switching Banks for Direct Deposit
4. Special spend as a % of total spend?
5. Worthwhile Reading

April 2023

1. AC/BR/GM in foreign company
2. Moving to CloudSuite & Data Archiving
3. Transitioning from Lawson to Infor technical resource?
4. Datetime Conversion in IPA
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2023

1. PO10.2 Vendor Order Day
2. IC234 ITL-SOH
3. Rich Client - Increasing Heap Size to Improve Performance
4. Ctrl-Shift-K stops working
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2023

1. ACA ALE Member Group - Transmitter Identification Number
2. Security LPL Question
3. Links in Manager Self Service
4. Multiple PO25 agreements for an item
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2023

1. Upcoming decision on Lawson S3
2. 401(k) Provider File
3. Multi-Step Job Log Location
4. Vendor short shipment
5. Worthwhile Reading


December 2022

1. Special Character in Vendor Item
2. IC182
3. Email Notifications from Employee Self Service
4. Days On Hand by Item
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2022

1. Approval Authority Limits
2. Price Changing
3. Procedure Info Missing In GHX
4. Configuration Console Default Custom Field
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2022

1. Processing Priorities for Fed and State Taxes
2. SQL query to pull Requisitions and who Approved them
3. IPA Timeout error
4. Foreign Currency Payments
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2022

1. Changing the Lawson password in On Premise
2. Impact to FTE change
3. PO Lines with Non-Receipts Percentage
4. PC10
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2022

1. S3: Creating offline PDF Paystubs
2. Matching Error: Cannot Match-unreleased adj exists
3. Jobdump/Jobload
4. Select multiple forms to query from Add-Ins?
5. Worthwhile Reading

July 2022

1. Canceled PO Line Auto Close
2. IC12 Mass Manufacturer Information Changes
3. QR Code to View Packing Slip
4. Jobdump/Jobload
5. Worthwhile Reading

June 2022

1. Searching in RQC Template
2. Extracting Received Not Invoiced (PO135) with SQL
3. ESS Pay Stub
4. Adding secondary vendor to PO13
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2022

1. LP Manual Allotment Plan
2. From Locations
3. PR170 file location
4. MHC Invoice Images in Crystal Reports
5. Worthwhile Reading

April 2022

1. PO10.2 Order Days
2. Android Devices
3. Evaluation of run time in QUEUEDJOB table
4. RW Reports and Account Groups
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2022

1. Multiple HROrganizations
2. IC, PO and AP EOM Close Process
3. Design Studio Preview not working
4. BN297 Offer Amount displaying $0.00
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2022

1. Security Tables
2. Limiting Items Users Can See in RQC
3. How to assign a DistGrp using IPA
4. Designated Requisition Days
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2022

1. AP03.1 data issues
2. PO20 - How to Create a PO with MS Addins?
3. PO20 FC "Substitute Vendor Item"
4. MSCM Par Count - Priority orders
5. Worthwhile Reading


December 2021

1. GHR FTE Question
2. BN17.1 Coverage Option Changes
3. New Item Master
4. Business Class Field Override
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2021

1. Year-End Processes
2. InforOS and Employee Number
3. Pick Tickets / Async / Cycle Counts
4. Conditional Security Rule - One User
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2021

1. Leveraging HR Security in S3 with Landmark GHR
2. PartsSource Punchout
3. PO25 Error Message
4. Disk space used by LBI / LawsonDocuments
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2021

1. Looking for some feedback on any HR / Payroll Outsourcing
2. LP Pay Cycle / Accrual Rate
3. Closing / Clearing Processes for Invoiced Goods
4. Manager Space - Viewing Candidates
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2021

1. Infor OS Conversion
2. PO Discounts
3. Talent Acquisition - Open Job Requisitions
4. FSM/CloudSuite Close Process Documentation
5. Worthwhile Reading

July 2021

1. ADA Accommodation tracking
2. GLS215 versus CAS530/1
3. Mass Upload Resource Profile Picture
4. Questions about splitting between HR CloudSuite / PR On-prem
5. Worthwhile Reading

June 2021

1. On Premise S3 -> Infor GHR Cloud hosting?
2. Change RQC Field Names
3. .uwf template for AP20
4. Benefit Annual Enrollment - autoenroll
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2021

1. IC / GL Discrepancies
2. Terminating a flow after a certain amount of time
3. User Provisioning Automation: ISS Scheduled Sync?
4. Lump Sum Payments
5. Worthwhile Reading

April 2021

1. IPA with DocuSign/Fill & Sign
2. Number of Months Worked
3. Can IPA send to a Printer??
4. GL01.4 flags
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2021

1. GHR Turnover Reporting
2. Changing Item Purchasing Class
3. Infor System Console
4. M3 Orders linked to Production proposal
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2021

1. COVID-19 Vaccine Tracking
2. Deleting Archive folder after certain time
3. Date calculations in LPL
4. Looking for 1095 Printing, Mailing, and Filing Partner?
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2021

1. Can the Domain_User password in LSA be Synced with AD?
2. PfiUserProfile in Landmark
3. How to manage commitments for multi-year contracts
4. HR Actions effective today
5. Worthwhile Reading


December 2020

1. Transition Management - Data flow from Talent to GHR
2. 1099-NEC
3. Talent Acquisition - Background Check Vendors / Partners
4. Lawson Security Rule with HR11 & HR09
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2020

1. IPA or ISD - Approving Action Requests en masse
2. Inventory Control - Process Improvement
3. Please Advise: What's after Lawson S3 V10?
4. Modifying a static report in Configuration Console
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2020

1. Spousal Surcharge - Medical Insurance
2. Smart Notifications Language Translator
3. Adding additional initiating actions in Transition management
4. Enabling approval flow for Leave of Absence
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2020

1. Using a flow to change LBI bookmarks
2. Hardware for Lawson Fax Integrator
3. RNI Survey
4. IPA 1 GB memory limit error
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2020

1. Triggering Workflow after a PR140 job run
2. Purchasing and COVID19
3. Item Cleanse
4. Automation for disabling users in Active Directory
5. Worthwhile Reading

July 2020

1. Inventory Replenishment
2. Can PR514 be used to mass load W-4 changes?
3. Org Chart Photos
4. Expired Credential Notification not processing
5. Worthwhile Reading

June 2020

1. 2020 W4 information to be accessible by HR Writer
2. Sorting and summarizing a CSV file in IPA
3. Infor OS as STS Authentication (InforSTS)
4. OSHA FORM 300 vs. OSHA FORM 301
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2020

1. When will Lawson version 10 no longer be supported?
2. LP199
3. Dynamically assigning users to useraction
4. Converting a PA31 applicant to an HR11 employee
5. Worthwhile Reading

April 2020

1. Uploading Employee History from Lawson to GHR
2. Multiple Supervisors over the same position
3. Custom IC145 - Pandemic Reporting
4. 2020 W4 and PR514
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2020

1. Allow Transaction During Month Close
2. AR575 vs AR580
3. New Payroll GL interface to Lawson Financials
4. Interface with Insurance Carriers
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2020

1. RSA authentication
2. Varying Amount Semi-Annual - Holiday
3. AP invoices not flowing to Asset Management system
4. Deleting Unreleased Reqs
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2020

1. REST Calls in Infor Process Automation
2. Mapping Excel Add-In for 2 different screens?
3. Cost Management Old to New
4. V11 Inbasket displays for User Actions
5. Worthwhile Reading


December 2019

1. Best Practices for Migrating to CloudSuite
2. Integrating Value Analysis?
3. Lawson Security admin and rule writing
4. IPA Performance
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2019

1. Lawson Fax Integrator
2. Issue with JavaScript Date
3. Punchout PO20 Purchase From
4. BN531 Cannot change with Stop function code
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2019

1. Recall Management Software
2. BN32.1 Mid Year Flex Spending Acct Changes
3. MSCM SOH Information
4. GHR ChangePayRate using Spreadsheet Designer
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2019

1. Lawson Security Sub-Admin - Reports Only
2. How to calculate last day of current month (in a flow)
3. Loadusers - Role and Group data
4. Removing Identities with IPA
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2019

1. ADFS Upgrade - Vendors?
2. Preserve formatting upon LBI export
3. Audit of Invoices posted for Inventory Accounts
4. Punch Out - Office Supplies
5. Worthwhile Reading

July 2019

1. Cloudsuite Financials Feedback
2. Punchout a non-Lawson punchout vendor
3. 457b BSI Overrides
4. Prioritizing Rush/Hot/Stat Requisitions (RQC)
5. Worthwhile Reading

June 2019

1. Changing a Recurring Journal
2. How to point Replication Sets to multiple FTP Destinations
3. Infoset as Attachment?
4. Automated Job Recovery
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2019

1. Thoughts on IPA and Lawson 10 or Cloudsuite
2. Approver history in RQC
3. ImageNow or Infor Cloudsuite internal method?
4. Payroll Test Scripts & Scenarios
5. Worthwhile Reading

April 2019

1. Upgrade to V11
2. Bill Only Process
3. Mobile Apps - Infor Expense vs Infor Expense Management?
4. New Company Setup in S3
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2019

1. ACA BN299 Manifest File
2. Long first name
3. Cycle Count Accuracy
4. ACA - Rehire from 1 process level to another
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2019

1. Setting up Surgery as an Inventory location
2. 941 and voided checks
3. Infor Smart Office on Cloudsuite (v11)?
4. Automate Payroll Processing
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2019

1. ADFS requirements
2. Data Conversions and Custom Interfaces in Infor CloudSuite
3. Multiple users in AM system?
4. Average cost per PO
5. Worthwhile Reading


December 2018

1. Position Control and PA70
2. IPA Batch Job Monitoring after WebRun node kicks it off
3. ESS Time Entry Screen Shots?
4. HCPCS and UNSPC Codes
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2018

1. Remove Requester Identity with IPA
2. What is the difference between GHR and LTM?
3. Binding JSON data in Mashups
4. Running VisualCOBOL debugger on a remote machine?
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2018

1. Hiding Non-Stock Items in RQC
2. Moving from LS/STS to ADFS
3. Update user's attributes in AD
4. Position Control in Lawson (One-to-Many)
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2018

1. Cloud Suite on-premise or in the cloud?
2. RQC approvals by activity (not by user email)
3. Mass Upload New Hires into GHR
4. Invoice Void Audit
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2018

1. Allow User to See Other Users Print Manager
2. USPS Address Validation API Through IPA
3. LP51 Trigger - Pull Employee Information
4. Backorder Notification for RQ?
5. Worthwhile Reading

July 2018

1. Mass Upload New Hires into GHR
2. Mfg # to Lawson #
3. Company Match on DC Plans
4. Identifying Nested Groups in HR55
5. Worthwhile Reading

June 2018

1. Implementing Multiple Positions
2. Contract Categories in Contract Management
3. Accounts Receivable to sell product
4. Infor Certpoint and Question Bank
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2018

1. Email ACH Fraud
2. Manually Adjusted PTO Balances
3. PAR Replenishment
4. Self Directed Lawson Training?
5. Worthwhile Reading

April 2018

1. Epic/Lawson Data
2. Landmark Productline Copy
3. Education (PA20) and Certification (PA22) History?
4. MS AddIns
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2018

1. LP Absence Management
2. Surgery Perpetual Inventory
3. Benchmarking jobs' execution time
4. Cash Reconciliation
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2018

1. Retro Benefit Deductions and Refunds
2. Set up of Reprocessed Items
3. Charity Donations by employees and Lawson
4. User Productivity Reports?
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2018

1. Crash Carts on IC81
2. External HTML5 Employee Manager Self Service EMSS
3. LBI vs. Infor Birst
4. Design Studio: Pass UserProfile Employee value into HR11
5. Worthwhile Reading


December 2017

1. Fiscal Year change to Calendar year
2. Item expensed to one Department, ordered by many
3. Gift Cards - Imputed Income/Gross Up?
4. AddAttachment via Process Flow
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2017

1. Deliver LBI report in Smart Note
2. Company HSA deduction
3. PO529 and MA531
4. Construct Pricing / Build
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2017

1. How to call UNIX script from tokendef
2. AR Zero or Negative Payment
3. Applying Patches/Updates
4. CIMS (Wavemark) RFID Inventory mgmt system
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2017

1. Generate Item Number
2. Non-Employee Tracking
3. Life Plan Override
4. Managing Contracts
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2017

1. Lawson Smart Reports - LSR Designer
2. Purchase Order Cost Review Message (MA66.3) Comments
3. Lock Down of Premium Pay
4. MX Attribute List Maintenance
5. Worthwhile Reading

July 2017

1. PA21 Security
2. MA540 Sample/Help
3. Terminate flow: Find Actor from DirectSupervisor
4. Patient Charge Price Policy
5. Worthwhile Reading

June 2017

1. Item Master Sync
2. Print Manager/GL90
3. Smart Recon
4. Positive Pay (PR170) Flow
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2017

1. IPA - Include Job Requisition Attachments to Email
2. MSCM Par Counting
3. Kronos time records to Lawson
4. Lawson Admin and Superuser Access
5. Worthwhile Reading

April 2017

1. Sending Bin Location Data to Epic
2. BN299 Errors on IRS Test Site
3. RQ10 vs RQC - Reference Number?
4. Prepaid Expenses
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2017

1. Comments in RQC
2. Effective date change during User Action
3. Changing Vendor #'s
4. LBI Tools Tab Reporting My Reports
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2017

1. Flu Shot Tracking
2. Limit Access to Vendors - RQC
3. BN990 Safe Harbor Codes
4. MSCM / RAD & PO Receiving
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2017

1. Hosted Servers Best Practices
2. Infor10 Mingle Login Screen Customization
3. RNI Cleanup - PO33 Upload?
4. Shelf Locations Changes to Par Locations
5. Worthwhile Reading


December 2016

1. Add the Address fields to Rehire form in LTM v11
2. Processing Vendor Refunds
3. Purge/Archive Advice
4. LSA Allow users access to other's batch jobs by group
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2016

1. Pharmacy - NDC# vs. Mfg#
2. Deleting ACA hours from BN54
3. IC211 with pricing?
4. GL20-Accounting Unit/Account Code Combinations
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2016

1. LTM Version 11 Upgrade
2. Shift Differentials Tied to Job Codes
3. Stock Requisitions & RQC/Approvals
4. IPA XML Node
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2016

1. Tracking Years of Experience
2. LSF 10.0.8 and IE 11
3. Invoice Payment Without a Vendor (Patient Refunds)
4. LP Front Load
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2016

1. Patient Charges From Lawson Directly
2. Identifying missing HRHISTORY records
3. Screen to list all invoices against a PO
4. Mass load of role to actors in GEN of Landmark?
5. Worthwhile Reading

July 2016

1. Live in PA work in NJ
2. User Process definition variables / configuration properties
3. Item Descriptions
4. Compensation Management
5. Worthwhile Reading

June 2016

1. Interim Assignments in GHR
2. RQ01 Stockless Flag
3. Credit Card Processes
4. IPA Email Node - Include a Picture?
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2016

1. PO120 EDI orders
2. List of LBI bursting rights, elements and users
3. TM Data Maintenance Utilities Scheduling
4. Tuition Reimbursement
5. Worthwhile Reading

April 2016

1. Read Only Security Role
2. Salary Advance - Health System (Hire Date)
3. Sending Multiple Emails (IPA)
4. Price Mismatch Report
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2016

1. External Link on the Portal Menu in Employee Self Service
2. What If We Don't Upgrade?
3. L_HACV and L_DACV environment tables
4. EDI Setup Document
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2016

1. HR Supervisor/Employee Structure
2. Tracking Minimum Wages Amounts
3. Lost Report Connection
4. Special Characters
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2016

1. Are you Purchasing Smart Office?
2. v9 to v10 On-Premise Upgrade
3. Employee group Wisconsin for topic W6 on PR27
4. Design and Build LTM
5. Worthwhile Reading


December 2015

1. ACA hours confirmation
2. Who owns MA60?
3. ESS New Hire Enrollment
4. Design Studio and IE11
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2015

1. Pennsylvania Employees
2. Comparing dates in IPA - PfiWorkUnit StartDate
3. Standing Inventory Issue/Order
4. Dealing with NT IDs of users after upgrade
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2015

1. BN106 - 834 file extraction
2. ITEMMAST or ITEMLOC add/change Approval
3. Process Automation: Email authentication action
4. Direct Link to a Lawson form in Mingle
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2015

1. ProcessFlow: Force Reassign of Variable Values
2. EMSS Ethnicity Two-Question Format
3. SmartNotification Info Set Error
4. Extract Program Version Numbers
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2015

1. Talent Management Feedback
2. SQL versus standard Lawson queries
3. GL Company versus HR Company
4. IPA Flow to Delete Workunits
5. Worthwhile Reading

July 2015

1. Employee First Name longer than 15 characters
2. Item Images for Requisition Center
3. Lawson Carefusion Interface
4. PO Spend History
5. Worthwhile Reading

June 2015

1. Roth 401(k) Setup in Lawson
2. Auto Assign Emp Numbers
3. Design Studio and IE11
4. Automated User Setup and ISS
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2015

1. Credit Card Processes
2. Epic OpTime
3. Affordable Care Act - 1094/1095
4. Daily Check List for Supply Chain
5. Worthwhile Reading

April 2015

1. Cloud Experience?
2. Receiving Best Practices
3. Patch Management Strategies?
4. Requisition Approvals - Vacation Handling and Approver Maintenance
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2015

1. Lawson 10.x upgrade - New Environment or Upgrade Existing?
2. Selling Vacation
3. ESS Org Chart - Hide an Employee?
4. Lawson Portal Logon Issues
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2015

1. Mass transaction upload - TM to S3 interface
2. Copy User's Jobs When Deleting User
3. HCPCS Codes Utilization and Storage
4. Report Writer HR65 for PR26 (Garnishments)
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2015

1. HR Groups - Effective Dates
2. Needing Help Locking Down DrillArounds
3. Open Enrollment - BN32 Stop Dates
4. Item Master Fields - Major Minor Class
5. Worthwhile Reading


December 2014

1. Month End Variance
2. LP31 dates
3. Brush Up on my Lawson SCM Knowledge
4. Safety Stock in IC12
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2014

1. COBOL SKILLS - Hard to Find
2. IC12 records
3. Electronic W-2's
4. PO line delivery dates
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2014

1. Inforum 2014
2. Process Level Security w/ Excel Query Addin
3. LBI Report Delivery Options
4. United Way One-Time Gifts
5. HR06 Message: "Cannot inactivate"
6. Worthwhile Reading

September 2014

1. Looking for HR Best Practice information
2. PO20 If/When to Issue Final?
3. Crystal Reports and OLEDB
4. Has anyone upgraded to LSF10 on AIX yet?
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2014

1. Infor10 Lawson S3
2. HR02 Department - Add Manager?
3. Lawson Licenses
4. Two items, different vendors on PO13.3
5. BSI 10
6. Worthwhile Reading

July 2014

1. Inventory Valuation for non-perpetual location
2. How are PF Workunits maintained once IPA is activated?
3. 457 plan on Employee Self Service (ESS)
4. Infor Workspace/Ming.le & IE Compatibility View
5. Worthwhile Reading

June 2014

1. Using "MULTIPLES" on a PO line
2. Securing PA52 selections
3. UOM Conversion Factor in IC11
4. Contract Management - Rebates
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2014

1. Item Attributes
2. Infor 10 Upgrade -- Which authentication protocol?
3. Reversal of Level 2 Actions
4. LTM Employee Self Service
5. Worthwhile Reading

April 2014

1. PA100-enter changes early but not affect HR11?
2. Item Master / Data Cleansing Vendors
3. Enwisen and LTM/S3 integration
4. PO28 Sort for Vendor Agreements
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2014

1. Patient Charge System (PC) in Lawson
2. Talent Acquisition Rankings
3. Smart Notification Excel Attachments
4. Setting up Salary Grades
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2014

1. Determining hours worked for Affordable Care Act
2. Benefit Enrollment Issues
3. Too Many Decimals
4. LP04.2 Accrual for Part-Time Employees
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2014

1. We're Number One!
2. Informational Survey
3. Asset Transfer Load in AM30.1
4. MSCM Barcode Printer
5. IC11/PO13
6. Worthwhile Reading


December 2013

1. Remove Candidate Icon in LTM
2. Prevent Role Access to Administrative Users
3. Purchase of Lawson Talent Management
4. Serial Tracking
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2013

1. Automation of BN101, PA100, BN100, LP100
2. AP520 and One Time Vendor
3. Best Practice for processing Capital PO's
4. HR Security during Payroll Lockout
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2013

1. Adding Same-Sex Spouses & State Tax Implications
2. Automated Failed Job Notification
3. UNSPSC Definition and Short Names
4. Zone Storeroom Ordering
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2013

1. Another Update on Alleged Patent Infringement
2. Supply Chain Analytics
3. RQC Customization
4. IPA flow to move completed work units to history
5. Vendor Mergers and Acquisitions
6. Worthwhile Reading

August 2013

1. Infor 10x Lawson Technology and the "CheckLS" Security Attribute
2. Custom Javascript Functions in ProcessFlow
3. Manufacturer Info on IC11, IC12, & IC81/281
4. Change Text Colour in a Mashup
5. Worthwhile Reading

July 2013

1. What to use for reporting financials in S3
2. Creating New Product Lines
3. IC81.1 Copy Function
4. ESS: Display more than 12 months of paychecks
5. Worthwhile Reading

June 2013

1. Workspace and/or LSO ???
2. Process Flow Approvers on Vacation
3. Catalog Numbers - Dashes &/or Leading Zeros
4. Certification Education Pay
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2013

1. Inforum 2013
2. Using Mashup Designer?
3. GL security classes for LSF9 security
4. Best Practice for PR12
5. UDI and Lawson
6. Worthwhile Reading

April 2013

1. Item Adds/Changes Best Practice
2. Arrears Re-Order
3. Section 132 working condition fringe benefit
4. AccountingUnitControl
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2013

1. Mid Pay-Period Changes
2. Has anyone called PowerShell from Process Flow?
3. LP51 and Microsoft Addins
4. Tracking contracted employees - Best Practices
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2013

In this issue:
1. W2 Reporting for Employer-sponsored Health Benefits
2. Lawson and Epic/Optim
3. GLN Work Around
4. PR195 Accrued Payroll
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2013

In this issue:
1. W2 Reporting for Employer-sponsored Health Benefits
2. Using Carryover to Zero-Out Plan Balance
3. Tracking Employee Physical Locations
4. Best Practice for Item Revisions?
5. Worthwhile Reading


December 2012

In this issue:
1. Journal Entry Processes
2. Mapping PMTOUT for Formscape
3. Mobile Requisitions
4. ProcessFlow Services/Trigger Questions
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2012

In this issue:
1. Developing Lawson Skills
2. LSF9 Security and Upgrade
3. FMLA Plan Set Up - Rolling Calendar Year
4. Mobile thermal label printer for MSCM
5. Worthwhile Reading

October 2012

In this issue:
1. Common LSF Maintenance Tasks
2. Using Addins to Set-up New Hires on PR12
3. RQ04 Requesters for multiple Companies
4. Print Manager Distribution Groups in LSO
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2012

In this issue:
1. Coming Soon to a (Lawson) Support Site Near You!
2. Lawson Process Automation
3. Lawson Smart Office Project Requirements
4. Open Enroll ESS Help plz!
5. Lot Numbers and Inventory / Lawson + Cupid
6. Worthwhile Reading

August 2012

In this issue:
1. Infor10 Lawson S3
2. Resume Parsing Solutions for LTM
3. Par to Par Transfers... Possible???
4. PO Corrections and Encumbrances
5. Tips to using PR86
6. Worthwhile Reading

July 2012

In this issue:
1. Infor10 Lawson S3
2. Custom Drop Down List in Design Studio
3. Tracking do you do it...?
4. Negative Retro Pay
5. AC07 Criteria Include/Exclude
6. Worthwhile Reading

June 2012

In this issue:
1. PR291 Unemployment Report
2. E-Procurement Punchout with SciQuest
3. Does Your Organization Use Smart Office?
4. Lawson Viewpoint - Installation/Issues
5. Worthwhile Reading

May 2012

In this issue:
1. Inforum 2012
2. Connecticut Paid Sick Leave Act
3. Dependents - Reporting Before/After Changes
4. Automated Load/Regression Testing Tools
5. Creating a Consolidating Company in Lawson 9.0
6. Worthwhile Reading

April 2012

In this issue:
1. Question on Purging Vendors
2. Dashboard Tabs - making multiple rows
3. How to run BN100 for previous transactions
4. Retail Calendar and 13th Period
5. Worthwhile Reading

March 2012

In this issue:
1. Moving Print Manager Reports via Process Flow
2. Multiple UOM Setup
3. Smart Office over Citrix
4. ESS enrollment - HSA Question Set
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2012

In this issue:
1. Infor Workspace and/or LSO?
2. Receiver Alerts
3. Time And Expense To iSeries
4. ESS Benefit Enrollment - BN31.1 Security
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2012

In this issue:
1. Year End PR27 parameters from prior years
2. Alternatives to Mobile Supply Chain
3. Training a New Employee
4. Share a Challenging or Interesting Smart Note
5. Worthwhile Reading

December 2011

In this issue:
1. Farewell, Dean
2. Putting Invoices on Hold
3. Uncollected Employee SS/Medicare Tax W2 Box 1
4. Slow Printing after LUU upgrade
5. LSO Hardware Requirements
6. Worthwhile Reading

November 2011

In this issue:
1. Why I'm Bullish on Lawson/Infor
2. Limiting Who Can Receive a PO
3. Who owns LS9 Security Maintenance?
4. Rate calculation in LP198
5. Office Supplies -- Best Business Practice
6. Worthwhile Reading

October 2011

In this issue:
1. Compensation Management with Lawson?
2. Smart Office Use, new users looking for ideas
3. Setting LBI timeout params
4. 2012 Pennsyslvania Act 32 Tax Changes
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2011

In this issue:
1. Two URLs for one Lawson environment
2. Transfer of Smart Notes from one environment to another
3. Punchout Error
4. Budget Actual Reporting (K12)
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2011

In this issue:
1. Not So "New & Improved"
2. Maintenance: In-house or outsourced?
3. Upload Assets to AM Module
4. Remove objects from Portal Page
5. Upload Error - new value must be spaces
6. Worthwhile Reading

July 2011

In this issue:
1. On Infor and the Future of Lawson
2. Financials Audit Reports
3. Base Currency is Foreign Currency
4. Smart Notification of PA52
5. Autoprovision new Lawson Users
6. Worthwhile Reading

June 2011

In this issue:
1. A Bittersweet End
2. MSS Personnel Action - HR Processing
3. Delete a Role in LSF9
4. Modify RSS to add link to ImageNow
5. RW assistance
6. Worthwhile Reading

May 2011

In this issue:
1. A Bittersweet End
2. Auditing Active Requesters in RSS
3. ARCUSTOMER Search_Name Too Short
4. LSF9 Security along with HR Data Security
5. Installation of Smart Office
6. Worthwhile Reading

Special Edition: Infor Acquires Lawson

In this issue:
1. A Bittersweet Ending

April 2011

In this issue:
1. Should Lawson Sell to Infor Or Hold Out?
2. MKS Responds
3. Company/Accounting Unit Level Security
4. Issues Information With Requesting Location
5. Process Flow Change Control
6. Worthwhile Reading

March 2011

In this issue:
1. MKS Toolkit vs. Lawson Unix Utilities
2. RSS + Punchout
3. Asset Management: General Feedback
4. LBI Deployment: DEV to TEST to PROD
5. Worthwhile Reading

February 2011

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: A Lawson Automation Adventure
2. Is Roth Plan Set Up ANY Easier??
3. Tip: Querying Data in Landmark using LPD
4. Canada T4 Reporting
5. Worthwhile Reading

January 2011

In this issue:
1. MSCM Receiving and Delivery Set Up
2. EDI X12 format for PO and Tax
3. Encumber Salaries (public sector)
4. ProcessFlow Nested Query Limit?
5. Worthwhile Reading

December 2010

In this issue:
1. i-Series Upgrading from options
2. Pull file from FTP site with ProcessFlow
3. BN32 Change with Add-Ins?
4. Understanding oUserProfile.getAttribute
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2010

In this issue:
1. In Whom Do You Trust?
2. LP31 Eligible Accruals are a Pay Period Behind
3. PO100 - PO23
4. LS9 security by Process Level AND Security Location - Is It Possible?
5. Defined Benefit Plan Contribution
6. Worthwhile Reading

October 2010

In this issue:
1. CTP Application
2. Dedicated Resources After Go-Live
3. Combining Item Groups?
4. Move Accounting Units Between Zones
5. Worthwhile Reading

September 2010

In this issue:
1. HR Dashboard
2. IT Staffing Model Comparison
3. ESS Direct Deposit - Multiple Accounts
4. EDI 856 with Office Supply Vendor
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2010

In this issue:
1. Slowing Down To Speed Up
2. LP Accruals and Minimum Time Records
3. AP: Number of Check Runs
4. Using Smart Notifications To Query LDAP
5. Emailing a Payroll Stub
6. Worthwhile Reading

July 2010

In this issue:
1. Accounts Payable Aging Report
2. Lawson Workforce Management
3. Smart Office Installation
4. MSCM Receiving and Delivery
6. Worthwhile Reading

June 2010

In this issue:
1. The Icahn Effect
2. Location of GL Distribution fields for PO20.1
3. Employee photo on HR11
4. Step and Grade changes
5. Auditing Installs
6. Worthwhile Reading

May 2010

In this issue:
1. Riding The Upgrade Crazy Train
2. Defaulting A/P Payment Terms
3. Kronos with Lawson Payroll?
4. Please Share your PFlow Trigger Form
5. Multi-Valued Attributes in Security Rules
6. Worthwhile Reading

April 2010

In this issue:
1. Going to CUE 2010? (Or just wish you were?)
2. Content Management solutions for A/P
3. Anyone using Lawson and Ariba?
4. Arizona state withholding A-4 on PR13
5. Closing old PO's and PO line
6. Worthwhile Reading

March 2010

In this issue:
1. Checkbox Computing
2. Tracking Pick Tickets with Barcodes
3. ESS - W4 Forms
4. Websphere upgrade to V7.0
5. Limiting User Access to a Design Studio Form
6. Worthwhile Reading

February 2010

In this issue:
1. Avoiding Absence Management Mishaps
2. IC04 GL Category Receipt Offset
3. Dumping out Identity information for Users in Lawson Security
4. LBI rollout to Power Designers
5. Financial statement performance
6. Worthwhile Reading

January 2010

In this issue:
1. Cloudy, with a Chance of Lawson?
2. Tools to monitor LBI health
3. Unapplied Cash Report for Lawson M3
4. P-Cards
5. Roth 401(k) Company Match
6. Worthwhile Reading

January 2009

In this issue:
1. All We Need is a Reset Button
2. Updating LSF Core Technology ->
3. Changing the Number of Workunits Displayed in the Inbasket
4. Preventing Portal 9.0 Users from Changing the Product Line and Other User Options
5. LSF9 AGS call in Design Studio
6. Worthwhile Reading

February 2009

In this issue:
1. Are You Recession-Proof?
2. ProcessFlow Integrator Part 10: The SQL Update Node
3. Accessing Lawson tables in MS Access
4. Upgrading Env 803 to LSF9 then the Apps
5. How to Upload Journal Entries
6. Worthwhile Reading

March 2009

In this issue:
1. Why New Systems Fail
2. ProcessFlow Integrator Part 11: The ResourceQuery Node
3. PFI as a migration tool and interface?
4. Navigating Multi-Screen Forms in Portal
5. Internet Explorer 7 testing
6. Worthwhile Reading

April 2009

In this issue:
1. We All Knew This Day Would Come
2. ProcessFlow Integrator Part 12: The ResourceUpdate Node
3. Hiding Group Tree in LBI Crystal Report Viewer
4. Expense Reimbursements via Payroll
5. Unallocated Stock Status
6. Worthwhile Reading

May 2009

In this issue:
1. CUE 09 Descends on San Diego
2. ProcessFlow Integrator Part 13: Combining Integration Nodes
3. PA113 - Retroactive History
4. Lawson Staffing Questions
5. Duplicate Vendor Tax ID SmartNotification
6. Worthwhile Reading

June 2009

In this issue:
1. Is LWSN Re-Investing Your Maintenance Fees?
2. ProcessFlow Integrator Part 14: ProcessFlow Server
3. Purchasing for Routine Maintenance
4. Any MSS "plain vanilla" implementations?
5. Interface development methodology and standards
6. Worthwhile Reading

July 2009

In this issue:
1. Lars, You Need a Cause
2. Simulating dual-login ID's in LSF9
3. Custom Calculation for Union Dues
4. Training for LSF9 and/or Apps 9 upgrades
5. Worthwhile Reading

August 2009

In this issue:
1. Tell Us About Your S3 Apps Upgrade
2. Troubleshooting "Duplicate Records" in Crystal Reports
3. Uploading Applicants using PA531
4. Slow Faxing after upgrade to Fax Console
5. Lawson Security and LBI integration
6. Worthwhile Reading

September 2009

In this issue:
1. The Morphing of the Enterprise Software Revenue Model
2. Employee Self-Service under Lawson Security
3. Validating Each Detail Row of a Form
4. PTO without an Absence plan
5. Capacity Planning for Process Flow
6. Worthwhile Reading

October 2009

In this issue:
1. We Are All Culpable
2. Electronic Receipts with Perpetual Inventory
3. Back Office Report as Crystal Data Source
4. Employee Self Service Notifications
5. Capitalizing Assets from AC to AM
6. Worthwhile Reading

November 2009

In this issue:
1. Can Lawson Remain Relevant?
2. Using Prepaid Purchase Orders
3. How to use the DateDiff variable in Process Flow?
4. Patch Management
5. LSF9 Record-Level Security for HR
6. Worthwhile Reading

December 2009

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Social Networking in the Workplace
2. Single Sign-On & Multiple Requesters
3. Converting a report for LBI Publishing
4. Interfacing new Employees into Lawson
5. Logout screen missing user and password field
6. Worthwhile Reading

December 2008

In this issue:
1. Ready for Lawson Smart Office?
2. ProcessFlow Integrator Part 9: The SQL Query Node
3. Nested Employee Groups
4. Changing the Work Directory for a Program
5. Worthwhile Reading

November 2008

In this issue:
1. Customization:...Risk vs. Reward
2. Guest Spot: Setting Up an HSA in Lawson
3. ProcessFlow Integrator Part 8: The DataIterator Node
4. Excel Add-Ins to Add Accounts and Sub Accounts
5. Tying activities data in ACTRANS to ARDISTRIB
6. Worthwhile Reading

October 2008

In this issue:
1. Do You Agree With Harry?
2. Guest Spot: A Crystal Case Study
3. ProcessFlow Integrator Part 7: The FileAccess Node
4. Inventory Control Method
5. Mass Updating/Changing SSOP passwords
6. Worthwhile Reading

September 2008

In this issue:
1. The Art and Science of Troubleshooting
2. Archive Lawson backoffice reports in LBI
3. Using ResourceQuery and FileAccess in ProcessFlow Integrator
4. Savings Bonds
5. Two Way Matching
6. Worthwhile Reading

August 2008

In this issue:
1. LWSN: It’s Time (to Reinvest)
2. ProcessFlow Integrator, Part 6: The Transaction (AGS) Node
3. S3 Security: Search Box Lockdown
4. Need a simple 'needs recovery' notification?
5. Fields not clearing on HR11 (Design Studio)
6. Worthwhile Reading

July 2008

In this issue:
1. Are You Aligned?...
2. Installing Patches
3. ESS and Portal Security from 8.03 to 9.0
4. Using a Generic User ID for Processing...
5. HSA (Health Savings Accounts)
6. Using Excel Add-Ins to Add Accounts
7. Restricting employee from seeing one dept
8. Worthwhile Reading

June 2008

In this issue:
1. Reader Feedback: Lawson Support
2. ProcessFlow Integrator, Part 5: The Query Node (DME)
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

May 2008

In this issue:
1. How Much Does Your ERP Really Cost to Support?
2. How Well Does Lawson Support You?
3. ProcessFlow Integrator, Part 4: Introducing the Nodes
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

April 2008

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Creating AR Customer Lists
2. PFI Part 3: What's In The Box?
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

March 2008

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: The Devil is in the Details
2. PFI Part 2: Orchestration & Integration
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

February 2008

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: FMLA Plan Setup in Absence Management
2. PFI, Part 1: The Introduction
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

January 2008

In this issue:
Tip 1: Using Dynamic (Database-driven) Parameters in LBI
Tip 2: Java error when opening up ProcessFlow utilities
Tip 3: Re-submitting bad Compiles
...and Worthwhile Reading

December 2007

In this issue:
1. Lawson Design Studio, Part 9: Putting It All Together
2. Worthwhile Reading
3. How Much Does Your ERP Cost to Support?
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

November 2007

In this issue:
1. Lawson Design Studio, Part 8: Portal Page Designer
2. What's Happening? The LawsonGuru Blog.
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

October 2007

In this issue:
1. Applying the Change Function to LWSN
2. Converting LID/Portal Users for LSF9
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

September 2007

In this issue:
1. Preventing a Timeout in Excel Add-Ins Query Wizard
2. Should I Stay on Lawson Past the Decommission Date?
3. Lawson Certifications
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. GSC's Unwillingness to Answer Questions
6. Using Multiple Data Sources for a Crystal Report

August 2007

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Sanitizing Your Addresses
2. Worthwhile Reading
3. Lawson Tips & Tricks

July 2007

In this issue:
Tip 1: Deleting a GL Budget via Excel Add-Ins
Tip 2: Changing the Lawson Portal session timeout with LSF9
Tip 3: How to assign a Portal 9.0 Bookmark to a Group of Users
Tip 4: Accessing WEBUSER Variables in Design Studio
...and Worthwhile Reading
...Bonus!: LWSN & Dogfood?!?

June 2007

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: LSF9 'loadusers' Utility for Batch User Creation
2. Lawson Design Studio, Part 7: It Takes a Wizard
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

May 2007

In this issue:
1. An S.O.S. for Lawson S.S.O
2. Guest Spot: Lawson Design Studio, Part 6: A Case Study
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

April 2007

In this issue:
1. My Thoughts on CUE 2007
2. Lawson Design Studio, Part 5: Adding JavaScript
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

March 2007

In this issue:
1. Who Wants a Longer Address Field?
2. Lawson Design Studio, Part 4: Streamlining a Form
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

February 2007

In this issue:
1. Why Software Sucks, Lawson-Style
2. Lawson Design Studio, Part 3: UI Designer
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

January 2007

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Top Ten List for Leaders
2. Lawson Design Studio, Part 2: How Does It Work and Where Does It Fit?
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks


December 2006

In this issue:
1. LSF 9: “Just an upgrade”...or Change Agent?
2. Lawson Design Studio, Part 1: What Is It?
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

November 2006

In this issue:
1. Improving RMI Stability and Reliability
2. Guest Spot: Lawson Web Applications Performance and Stability
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

October 2006

In this issue:
1. RMI (In)stability
2. Lawson ProcessFlow: You own it. Use it.
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

September 2006

In this issue:
Tip 1: Lawson Design Studio version of JavaScript locale-independent Date() Function
Tip 2: Display your current Product Line in Lawson Portal
Tip 3: Printing "This Group Continued on next Page" in Crystal Reports
Tip 4: Using the "Default Function" in Portal 9.0
and...Worthwhile Reading

August 2006

In this issue:
1. Calling Lawson AGS from Visual Basic code
2. Worthwhile Reading
3. Lawson Tips & Tricks

July 2006

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Lawson 9.0 Web App Redeployment via Scripting
2. Worthwhile Reading
3. Lawson Tips & Tricks

June 2006

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Leveraging User Exits
2. Reader Feedback
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

May 2006

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Securing Lawson Self-Service
2. CUE 06: Was "9 on Your Mind"?
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

April 2006

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: A ProcessFlow Case Study
2. Sliding Doors
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

March 2006

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Lawson Import/Export Programs
2. New Features on
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

February 2006

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Processing Consignment Inventory in Lawson
2. Se Habla . . . Lawson?
3. Reader Feedback
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

January 2006

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Abbott & Costello Discuss the Skip Upgrade: “Who’s on 8.1 ?”
2. The Broken Chain & Lawson 9.0
3. Dealing with Timeouts on Long-Running Forms
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks


December 2005

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Create Lawson PDFs from PERL
2. Does Landmark Change Lawson’s Offshore Strategy?
3. Upload to HR11 User Fields with Excel Add-In
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

November 2005

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Lawson Reporting – From Silos to the Enterprise
2. When will LID go away?
3. Have you visited lately?
4. Reader Feedback
5. Worthwhile Reading
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks

October 2005

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Creative ProcessFlow Solutions
2. Where Have All The (Lawson) People Gone?
3. Reporting, Part 14: Crystal Effective Date Reporting
4. Reader Feedback
5. Worthwhile Reading
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks

September 2005

In this issue:
Tip 1: Show an Invalid Username or Password Message in Lawson Portal
Tip 2: Display your current Product Line in Lawson Portal
Tip 3: Uploading to Asset Management using Lawson's Excel Add-In
Tip 4: Creating .log files to Troubleshoot IOS CGI Programs
Tip 5: Accessing WEBUSER Variables in Design Studio

August 2005

In this issue:
Tip 1: Create a Server Drop-Down List in LID
Tip 2: Find that Error Message
Tip 3: Fix Web Inbasket content in Portal
Tip 4: Lawson Portal Debug Options
Tip 5: Use GL45 to Move Journal Entries to Different Fiscal Period

July 2005

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Transactional and LAUA Auditing within Lawson
2. Reader Feedback
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Survey: Lawson & Intentia
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

June 2005

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: CUE 2005 -- Blue Zones and Landmarks
2. Project Landmark
3. Reporting, Part 13: Introducing Crystal Subreports
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Survey: How was CUE?
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks

May 2005

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: QuickPaint--Do As I Say, Not As I Do
2. Reporting, Part 12: Using Lawson OLE DB with Crystal XI
3. Reader Feedback
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Survey: It's CUE Time!
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks

April 2005

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: The Power of SSH
2. Reporting, Part 11: Crystal Parameters and Lawson OLE DB Provider
3. Reader Feedback
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

March 2005

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: ProcessFlow — Out-of-the-box or outside-the-box?
2. Reporting, Part 10: Combining Lawson OLE DB Queries in Crystal
3. Reader Feedback
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

February 2005

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Using VNC with Lawson
2. Lawson's Road Ahead: Smooth Ride or Rocky Terrain?
3. Reporting, Part 9: LRS-What's in a Name?
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

January 2005

In this issue:
1. Reporting, Part 8: Security in Lawson Reporting Services
2. First Look: Lawson Surgical Instrument Management
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks


December 2004

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Leveraging Scripts for Post-Job Processing
2. Cube Farm: You'll laugh, but wish it hadn't been written
3. First Look: Lawson Receiving & Delivery (RAD)
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

November 2004

In this issue:
1. First Look: Lawson Mobile Par & Cycle Count (MPC)
2. Reporting, Part 7: Categorizing Reports
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips&Tricks

October 2004

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: TOMCAT troubleshooting-demystified (for UNIX)
2. Reporting, Part 6: Crystal Reports from ... Lawson Reports?
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Lawson Tips & Tricks

September 2004

In this issue:
Tip 1: Tuning Lawson CACHE Settings
Tip 2: Use 'nohup' for your Lawson Admin Tasks
Tip 3: Calling Operating System Commands from COBOL
Tip 4: Compile Queue Tricks
Tip 5: Find out which programs use a particular library (pdlib)
Tip 6: Creating .log files to Troubleshoot IOS CGI Programs

August 2004

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Moving Lawson applications
2. Reporting, Part 5: Using Crystal with Lawson's OLE DB Provider
3. Is Absence Management the 8.1 "Killer App"?
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

July 2004

In this issue:
1. The LawsonGuru Letter Interview: Dean Hager
2. Reporting, Part 4: Crystal Reports
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Reader Feedback
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

June 2004

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Lawson's Commitment to the iSeries - A Commentary
2. Reporting, Part 3: Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Reader Feedback
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

May 2004

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: CUE 2004: It Was Time
2. Reporting, Part 2: Characteristics of a Reporting Solution
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Reader Feedback
5. Survey: Can Lawson Deliver on its 1000-Day Plan?
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks

April 2004

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: FOx in SOx
2. This Time Lawson's Right
3. Reporting, Part 1: An Introduction
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Reader Feedback
6. Survey: It's CUE Time!
7. Lawson Tips & Tricks

March 2004

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Lawson Bar Coding
2. Lawson Goes Offshore
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Reader Feedback
5. Survey: How strategic are your Process Flows?
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks

February 2004

In this issue:
1. Editorial Housekeeping
2. A Look Inside Lawson's Data Dictionary
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Reader Feedback
5. Survey: How's your Upgrade?
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks

January 2004

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: My Plan to Put the College Back in College Sports
2. Why I Can't Go to CUE
3. Lawson Thoughts for the New Year
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Reader Feedback
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks


December 2003

In this issue:
1. Lawson Excel Add-In Power Techniques
2. Reader Feedback
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Survey: 8.0 or 8.1?
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

November 2003

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Business Process Outsourcing
2. Power Tools
3. Yes, Architecture is Important
4. Reader feedback
5. Worthwhile Reading
6. Lawson tips & tricks

October 2003

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Why Software Architecture Matters
2. Lawson's India Flap
3. Understanding Lawson Object IDs
4. Can Isabel teach us about Preparedness?
5. Reader feedback
6. Worthwhile Reading
7. Lawson tips & tricks

September 2003

In this issue:
1. Scripting to Save Time
2. Managing Lawson Customizations
3. Reader feedback
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Survey: Can you live without LID?
6. Lawson tips & tricks

August 2003

In this issue:
1. Comment Attachments in Lawson v8
2. Rosetta, the Crystal Killer?
3. Worthwhile Reading
4. Survey: Who's got the OLDEST version?
5. Lawson Tips & Tricks

July 2003

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Upgrading on your own: Worth the hassle?
2. Focus: Web Services
3. Reader Feedback
4. Worthwhile Reading
5. Survey: Will Lawson Survive the ERP Shakeout?
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks

June 2003

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Using MS Access during HR implementations
2. Lawson Maintenance Tasks
3. Lawson's Quality Crisis?
4. Reader feedback
5. Survey: Ready for ezPatch?
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks

May 2003

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Version 8 Invoice Matching
2. CUE in Review
3. Life After Lawson?
4. Reader feedback
5. Survey: CUE Favorites
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks

April 2003

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: Purging Lawson Financial Data
2. Focus: Six Sigma
3. Are you Active about Upgrading?
4. Reader feedback
5. Survey: Upgrade While Active?
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks

March 2003

In this issue:
1. Michael Hammer: The Integration Shuffle
2. Guest Spot: Lawson's Excel Add-In, A Useful Data Conversion Tool?
3. Contemplating Columbia
4. Smart Shelves? Radio Wave Lawson?
5. Reader Feedback
6. Survey: Integration Tactics
7. Lawson Tips & Tricks

February 2003

In this issue:
1. Guest Spot: DVP - Right Approach, Wrong Reasons
2. Say Goodbye to your "Briefing Book"?
3. Under Lawson's Covers
4. Reader Feedback
5. Survey: CUE Predictions
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks

January 2003

In this issue:
1. Easy Does It
2. Focus: Testing, 1, 2, 3
3. It's the Real Thing
4. Reader feedback
5. Survey Results
6. Lawson Tips & Tricks


December 2002

In this issue:
1. Where Integrity Shops
2. Focus: A Quick Primer on EAI
3. Meeting Your Needs
4. Reader feedback
5. Survey: What's your wish?
6. Lawson tips & tricks

November 2002

In this issue:
1. Making the tough Go/No-Go Decisions
2. Focus: How Shall I Print Thee?
3. Support Decommission of NT4 Environment
4. Reader feedback
5. Survey results
6. Lawson tips & tricks

October 2002

In this issue:
1. Are you ready for Smart Notification?
2. Focus: The P-Card Shuffle
3. Survey: Was Lawson better off as a private company?
4. Lawson tips & tricks
5. Reader feedback

September 2002

In this issue:
1. Welcome to the inaugural issue of The LawsonGuru Letter!
2. Focus: Are you process-driven?
3. DataBasics not good enough for Lawson-how about for Microsoft?
4. Will Lawson deny support for non-Lawson installed software?
5. Lawson tips & tricks