Thought-Provoking Commentary for the Lawson Software Community
Quote of the Issue |
"Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in the presence of witnesses."
-- Margaret Millar
Welcome to the latest issue of The LawsonGuru Letter, a free newsletter providing provocative commentary on issues important to the Lawson Software community. The LawsonGuru Letter is published by--and is solely the opinion of--John Henley of Decision Analytics.
Year End PR27 parameters from prior years |
We have not previously used PR27 to set Box 13 (Retirement Flag) on W2s - but there is data out there on PR11 (2002 - 2011) that will be deleted if we choose this path. What are we really losing by clearing out PR11 using PR127/PR27? Read More... |
Lawson Security Examiner |
Supercharge Your Lawson Administration
- Combines Lawson 9 Security/RM Users, LAUA, LOGAN, GEN metadata into a single comprehensive, understandable solution
- Export directly to Microsoft Excel® and Adobe Acrobat/PDF®
Read More... |
Alternatives to Mobile Supply Chain
Does anyone know what's available on the market for doing ParCounting in Lawson other than Lawson's Mobile Supply Chain product? Read More... |
Training a New Employee |
I'm interested in learning about various training methods and tools some of you may have used for new system analysts or possibly admin level employees - our shop has a single "super user" who has learned the system over several years. As a single point of failure, we would like to duplicate this role/knowledge and take pressure off the employee and limit exposure to the organization. Read More... |
Share a Challenging or Interesting Smart Note |
I've built many Smart Notes, primarily for data integrity checks for HR, payroll and benefits. Everything from one as simple as finding all employees who have not taken mandatory training classes, to a notification to the payroll rep that an employee has not yet cashed a paycheck that is approaching 60 days old. Please offer-up one or two of your most challenging/interesting Smart Notes. Share the business need that prompted the request and the manner with which you devised and built your solution. <Read More... |
Thanks for your continued support of the LawsonGuru Letter and

John Henley
Decision Analytics
Worthwhile Reading |
Healthcare IT Grows Up
As information technology changes the face of medicine, IT executives are recognizing the need to build a integrated platforms and share data in innovative ways.
Baseline Magazine, May/June 2011
ERP apps gaining useful new social media tools
Embracing these new ways of connecting with customers can help businesses make better use of unstructured social networking data.
Infoworld, August 18, 2011
Process-Oriented BI: Navigating the Road of Continuous Improvement
Defining process-oriented BI is simple. Providing the roadmap for how to achieve process-oriented BI is more complex and requires careful planning and continuous navigation while en route.
Information Management Newsletters, July 21, 2011

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The LawsonGuru Letter is neither affiliated with nor sponsored by Lawson Software, Inc.
Lawson Software, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this information. |