Thought-Provoking Commentary for the Lawson Software Community
Welcome to the latest issue of The LawsonGuru Letter, a free newsletter providing provocative commentary on issues important to the Lawson Software community. The LawsonGuru Letter is published by--and is solely the opinion of--John Henley of Decision Analytics.
While preparing this month's newsletter, I debated whether I should even proceed given the upheaval we are all experiencing right now. But a number of readers over the past years have commented on how--no matter how complicated things get in our lives, whether it's a personal crisis, a natural disaster, or otherwise--they know they can depend on getting the LawsonGuru Letter in their inbox on the first of every month. (Yes, I know it sounds cheesy, and self-serving, but I have honestly had people contact me in the afternoon of the 1st when they haven't yet received it yet just to make sure I was OK and hadn't forgotten to send it, etc. etc....)
With that in mind, my hope is that this issue finds as many of you as possible in good health and good spirits, and my intention is to inject just a modicum of normalcy into your day. Some of you are more affected than others. For those of you in the healthcare field, my heartfelt thanks for all you do.
And if you don't have time to read this now, you're certainly excused. Please stay safe, keep calm, and carry on. -- John
"Someone's boring me. I think it's me."
-- Dylan Thomas
Uploading Employee History from Lawson to GHR
We will be bringing in Employee history i.e. Position history, Pay rate History, Location history etc from Lawson 10.x to GHR v11. Do we need to upload the history in sequential order wrt. to date for each employee in GHR? Is there a faster way to achieve this? Can we use spreasheet designer to achieve this?
Multiple Supervisors over the same position
Has anybody got any positions where there are enough employees in that position that there are multiple supervisors for the position, within the same department? We have departments where employees in the same position may actually have different direct supervisors, but their HR11 Supervisor field is incorrect because only one supervisor can be assigned to the position in both PA02 and HR07. Knowing that the employee-to-supervisor ratio is only 1-to-1, how have people gotten around a situation like this? I can't imagine we're the only ones to encounter this, so I just wondered how other folks have handled it. Thanks for any insight anyone might provide. Read More
Custom IC145 - Pandemic Reporting
Wondering if anyone has already done this before I "reinvent the wheel". I've been asked to add Current Average Daily Usage and Current Day's Supply On Hand to the existing Lawson-delivered IC145 report in order to do Pandemic reporting. These fields are visible in IC44 form but according to Infor Support they are not included in any delivered report. Because of the emergency need for Pandemic reporting - looking up every time individually, in IC44, is just not feasible or sustainable at this point. I'm going to start working on adding these additional values to the IC145 report - but Lawson isn't extremely clear on how these calculations are done. I have some rough calculations that I'm going to have to play around with. I was really hoping someone had already done something similar in a batch report that they would be willing to share. Thanks so much in advance. Read More
We currently have been using PR514 to load Federal Taxes in for employees. This is no longer working correct for new employees since they are using the new 2020 W4 information. Has anyone seen any kind of changes to PR514, or a new layout for this file feed since the new PR13 includes new fields and changes with the 2020 W4? Read More
5 IT Career Tips from Pros Who Know
For those looking to put their best foot forward or get unstuck from a career plateau, we've collected tips from IT pros who have navigated a successful career.
Information Week, December 5, 2019
Telltale signs of IT dysfunction — and how to fix it
Transformational success can be derailed by a dysfunctional IT culture, the roots of which often can be traced to silos, org structures and little desire or incentive to collaborate.
CIO, February 12, 2020
Get Serious About SaaS Management in the Enterprise
While a software-as-a-service model leaves processing in the service provider's hands, there's plenty of work left for the IT group when it comes to administering the relationship and in supporting employee users.
Information Week, February 26, 2020
John Henley
Decision Analytics
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